Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Drood's end

Picture it, Cloisterham, Christmas Eve, one year after the disappearance:
  • Edwin lives.  After a year of searching, he resurfaces to prove Neville's innocence in his "murder".  He has been hiding in London with Mr. Grewgious until he could mount enough evident against his uncle.  They find the ring in Jasper's home (Datchery was hired, by Grewgious, as a private investigator to find the ring and did so).
  • But I digress...
  • Jasper attempted to kill Edwin when he and Neville left the river to come home but Edwin was prepared for the attack.  (Jasper thought he had drugged Ned but Ned didn't trust his uncle after the last wine enduced fight.)
  • Rosa becomes engaged to Tartar but finds out that he is the father of her dear friend, Helena, and breaks the engagement.
  • Neville confesses his love to Rosa but is rejected due to the relationship with Tartar.
  • Edwin and Helena become engaged.
  • Princess Puffer, before finding out Edwin is NOT dead, attempts to blackmail Jasper but mysteriously winds up dead. 
  • The Chinaman's business doubles.
  • Jasper goes to jail.
  • Rosa returns to Miss Twinkleton and lives the rest of her life with the girls.
  • Edwin and Helena marry.  They then go off to Egypt.
  • Neville travels with them.
  • The three travel into the sunset to the tune of, "Thank you for being a friend.  Travel down the road and back again.  Your heart is true.  You're a pal and a confidant."

1 comment:

  1. I love your ending. Thank you for being a friend is an underestimated song! I loved your endings; they show real insight and study of the reading
